Soldiers who make the ultimate sacrifice in war do so in various ways, including risking their own lives and, in some cases, the lives of their children. Those deployed in combat zones face physical danger and exposure to extreme weather, diseases, and other hazards that can result in injury, death, or long-term physical and psychological effects. The extended deployment periods can also cause emotional stress and disrupt family life, resulting in soldiers missing important milestones such as the birth of their children. Traumatic events during service can lead to the development of PTSD, which can have a profound impact on mental health and functioning in personal and professional lives. Environmental hazards such as chemical agents and radiation exposure increase the risk of developing serious health problems during and after service. Soldiers who make these sacrifices do so out of a sense of duty and commitment to their country and fellow citizens, even if some join the battle for financial incentives. This installation exploring the theme of war-pigeons and seeds, aimed to illustrate the sacrifices made by soldiers and their unborn children. The seeds symbolize currency, while the inverted images represent fires and destruction caused by war.